Please note, InnoTips are out of stock from the USA Manufacturer and we are working diligently to get them back in stock asap. The current ETA is the first week of March. InnoTips can still be ordered as a preorder and will be sent out as soon as they are back in stock.

InnoPen is a medical precision tool with a unique, dual spring-loaded disposable needle cartridge (InnoTip) that uses an autmoated, vibrating stamp-like motion to cause micro-injuries to the skin. The gentle stimulation of fibroblasts promotes natural induction of collagen and elastin, without the stress of pain and lengthy downtime associated with ablative treatments. Microchannels, resulting from the needles piercing the skin, aid in infusing therapeutic serums for greater penetration and enhancment of overall efficacy. InnoPen is an ideal choice for non-surgical and non-ablative treatment of various skin conditions.
InnoTip is a precision apparatus designed with Double Protective Tip System that consists of an inner protective wall and the outer safety covering made of sterile, medical grade GE lexan polycarbonate resin. These protective layers allow 0% tolerance for error, requiring perfect centering, precise spacing and meticulous uniformaty in vertical lining of the needles.